Keyless car theft: What is Relay Crime?

Relay crime, also referred to as relay theft, involves exploiting the keyless entry system of a vehicle for the purpose of stealing it. This method capitalizes on the use of a relay box, a device that amplifies the signal emitted by a car’s key fob. By amplifying the signal, thieves can deceive the car into assuming that the key fob is in close proximity, granting them access to unlock the vehicle and start the engine without any physical contact.

Typically, relay crime requires the collaboration of two criminals. One person positions themselves near the targeted vehicle with the relay box, while the other stands near the residence where the key fob is located. The individual with the relay box captures and relays the signal emitted by the key fob to the person near the car. As a result, the car’s computer system detects the replicated signal and assumes that the key is nearby, allowing the car to be unlocked.

Relay crime is a relatively new form of car theft that has gained popularity in recent years. This rise in popularity can be attributed to the increasing prevalence of keyless entry systems in vehicles. While keyless entry systems offer convenience for drivers, they also present a vulnerability that can be exploited by criminals.

See the video below showcasing how easy it is for criminals to steal your car with the relay system.

How can you protect your car from being stolen this way?

Here are some suggestions on safeguarding your vehicle against relay crime:

  • Keep your key fob away from metal objects: Avoid placing your key fob near items like microwaves, ovens, or refrigerators, as they can interfere with the key fob’s signal and facilitate signal amplification by thieves.
  • Utilize a Faraday cage or pouch: Consider using a Faraday cage, a metal box that blocks electromagnetic waves. This prevents thieves from amplifying the signal from your key fob. You can purchase a Faraday cage online or create one yourself. Aluminium foil is a conductive material, which may also be used to create a quick, impromptu Faraday cage
  • Opt for well-lit parking areas: Park your car in well-lit spaces to discourage thieves from using relay boxes unnoticed.
  • Install a security system: Enhance your car’s security by installing a reliable alarm system or immobilizer. These measures can act as deterrents against potential thieves.
  • Disable the key fob’s wireless signal: When not in use, deactivate the wireless signal on your key fob if possible. Some key fobs have a dedicated button for this purpose.
  • Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings: If you observe suspicious behaviour near your vehicle, don’t hesitate to contact the authorities and report the activity.

Additionally, here are a few extra precautions you can take:

  • Avoid leaving your key fob in plain sight, as it can attract unwanted attention.
  • Refrain from storing your key fob in easily snatchable items like purses or backpacks.
  • Be cautious when lending your key fob to others and ensure its prompt return.
  • By implementing these measures, you can help safeguard your car from potential relay crime incidents

Video credit: West Midlands Police